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51 <br /> June 18, 1984 <br /> 5.7 Glen Bjornson - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Bjornson, 12001 Ingersoll Avenue, appeared at a special meeting of the Hugo City <br /> Council (May 21, 1984) , and stated that he was aware of the requirements for a Special <br /> Use Permit in the RRII zone, and that he would make an application for same. A public <br /> hearing was subsequently set by the Planning Commission to consider his application. <br /> The public hearing was held June 13, 1984, at 7;45 PM, and Mr. Bjornson failed to apply <br /> for a permit or appear at the public hearing. The Planning Commission stated that they <br /> would recommend denial if an application had been submitted. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, that the Washington County Sheriff's <br /> Office be requested to investigate and issue a citation to Mr. Glen Bjornson, <br /> 12001 Ingersoll Avenue, under Chapter 320-4, Subd. F (3) , specifically, the <br /> keeping of non-domestic animal in the RRII zone without a Special Use Permit. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.8 Art Munger - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Munger, owner of 19 acres in the CONS zone, would like to construct an additional <br /> 26 x 64 accessory building on his property. The accessory square footage would still <br /> be less than the 3600 square feet allowed with site plan. Mr. Munger stated that <br /> they raise arabian horses, and would have a maximum of 5 brood mares, 10 if they all <br /> had colts. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the application. <br /> MOTION: Schwab made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for Art Munger, <br /> 5311 165th Street, for the construction of a 26 x 64 accessory building for <br /> his personal use only. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to adopt RESOLUTION 1984-7, A RESO- <br /> LUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF MONEY FROM THE STORM SEWER SINKING FUND <br /> TO REIMBURSE THE GENERAL FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF $12,015.08. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 7.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 Letter from Myrl Peterson <br /> The city received a letter from Mr. Peterson regarding the use of property at the end <br /> of Francesca for ingress and egress the to the trailer park. Mayor McAllister felt <br /> that the City should write Mr. Peterson stating that Mr. Oman's application for expan- <br /> sion of his trailer park is still under consideration and that his comments willWcon- <br /> sidered along with the rest of the application. Councilman Schwab felt that he would <br /> like to make an onsite inspection, and that something could be done prior to the Oman <br /> natter being resolved. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion to table the Peterson letter until the next meeting. <br /> Peltier withdrew her motion. <br /> At this time, the Council left the meeting to make an onsite inspection of the area. <br />