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102 <br /> September 4, 1984 <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Atkinson seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br /> for Lloyd Sathre subject to the 7 items as mandated by the Planning <br /> Commission with the following changes: <br /> Item 1 to read 150' setback rather then 100' . <br /> Item 8 - Fence to be constructed within 60 days. <br /> Peltier withdrew her motion. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schwab seconded, to approve the Special Use Permit <br /> subject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Installation of a fence around the barn that will confine the animals <br /> to the barnyard. <br /> 2. Barnyard will be earthen bermed to prevent any stormwater runoff from <br /> reaching any lowland area or Sunset Lake. <br /> 3. Any manure collected from barns, feed areas, paths, pens, etc., shall <br /> be disposed of in an area where it will be plowed under and where it <br /> cannot be conveyed overland by storm runoff into Sunset Lake or the <br /> adjacent wetlands. <br /> be <br /> 4. Mr. Sathre shall/limited to 2 adult non-domestic animals at any given <br /> time. <br /> 5. The SUP will be revoked if it is proven that the approved limited <br /> feeding operation has a significant impact on Sunset Lake. <br /> 6. Said improvements shall be made within 60 days of this date. <br /> 7. This permit is valid for Mr. Lloyd Sathre, is non-transferable, and <br /> shall be null and void upon sale of the property or Mr. Sathre fails to <br /> own the property. <br /> VOTING FOR: Atkinson, McAllister <br /> VOTING AGAINST: Peltier, Schwab <br /> Motion Failed. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the SUP subject to the <br /> following conditions: <br /> 1. Mr. Sathre will fence an area as indicated on the aerial photo marked in <br /> white, to the satisfaction of the city. <br /> 2. Mr. Sathre will be limited to no more than four (4) non-domestic animals, <br /> and one (1) goose, on the property at any time. <br /> 3. The SUP is non-transferable and may be used by only the following: Mr. & <br /> Mrs. Lloyd Sathre or Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Sathre, Sr. Should all of the <br /> named individuals cease to have an interest in the property, all non- <br /> domestic animals will be removed and the SUP will be voluntarily sur- <br /> rendered. <br /> 4. The fencing and any berm required to prevent stormwater pollution of <br /> Sunset Lake will be completed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer, <br /> will be constructed no later than November 1, 1984. <br /> 5. The SUP shall be subject to annual review and conditions may be added, <br /> if necessary, to prevent pollution of Sunset Lake. <br />