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103 September 4, 1984 <br /> Lod Sathre - Sup (cont.) <br /> 6. Any manure collected from barns, feed areas, paths, pens, etc. , <br /> shall be disposed of in an area where it will be plowed under <br /> and where it cannot be conveyed overland by storm runoff into <br /> Sunset Lake or the adjacent wetlands. <br /> 7. Sathres will pay all engineering charges associated with this permit. <br /> 8.. During the winter, animals will be confined to the pole barn. <br /> 9. All non-domestic animals exceeding four (4) will be removed within 30 <br /> days of this date. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Steve Gaffney - Amended SUP <br /> Mr. Gaffney was granted a SUP to nave his adhesive business into the Bald Eagle <br /> Industrial Park, but is now interested in purchasing property in the Peloquin <br /> Industrial Park. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, that the Clerk's office write <br /> a letter to Steve Gaffney stating that the city does not see a problem <br /> with his proposed building, provided the building meets all building <br /> codes, and he can obtain a satisfactory perc test on the lot shown on <br /> the submitted survey. Mr. Vern Peloquin is to complete the requirements <br /> of the subdivision ordinance, and Mr. Gaffney to obtain a permit or waiver <br /> from the RCWD. The City Council will look favorably on a transfer of the <br /> SUP to this site. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.7 Thomas Haas - Variance <br /> Mr. Haas needs a variance to construct his garage closer to the front lot line <br /> than the principal building. Mr. Larch okayed Mr. Haas bypassing the Planning <br /> Commission because of the time delay involved. He had no problem with the appl. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Atkinson seconded, to approve the variance for <br /> Thomas Haas to build his garage in front of his house according to <br /> the site plan submitted. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.8 Regal Plastics - Site Plan Approval <br /> Mr. Olson is proposing the construction of a 4000 sq ft addition to his existing <br /> building. Mr. Olson has a letter from the RCWD stating that no permit is re- <br /> quired. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to approve the Site Plan for <br /> Regal Plastics as indicated on the site plan submitted. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.4 J.R. Johnson - Disc on Harley Johnson property <br /> Mr. J.R. Johnson has a purchase agreement for the Harley Johnson property (40 acres) <br /> to construct a wholesale nursery business. Mayor McAllister stated that a SUP <br />