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119 October 15, 1984 <br /> the matter further consideration, did not feel this was the best way to handle <br /> the matter. If altered, that type of operation could be placed anywhere in the <br /> downtown area. For that reason alone, McAllister felt the property could possi- <br /> bly be rezoned to Agriculture, which allows the operation. The Council will <br /> consider further the matter at their meeting of 11/5/84. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Hauer seconded, to table this matter until the <br /> Council meeting of November 5, 1984. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> George Indykiewicz - Mining Permit <br /> Tom Fast, Kuusisto's office, was present and stated that he was not aware of <br /> any complaints of record for the Indykiewicz operation. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to renew the Mining Permit for <br /> George Indykiewicz for one year, expiring 11/1/85. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.3 Frank Puleo - Rezoning <br /> This rezoning, 10 acres from SFE to AG, was initiated by the Council on 9/17/84. <br /> The Planning Commission, in their review process, determined that there we;'e only <br /> 9.8 acres available, thereby making it impossible to rezone (creation of a non- <br /> conforming lot) . Mr. Puleo submitted a letter to the city requesting his appli- <br /> cation be withdrawn. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Atkinson seconded, that Frank Puleo be allowed <br /> to withdraw his application to rezone his property from SFE to AG. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.1 Oneka Lake Water Problems <br /> Tom Fast, representing Howard Kuusisto's office, was present to discuss the five <br /> proposals submitted by Howard, to remedy the water problems in that area. Again, <br /> there were numerous residents of the affected area present at the meeting to dis- <br /> cuss the alternatives. A map of the 5 plans was reviewed, as well as the cost <br /> estimates. It was the opinion of the Mayor that the lowering of Oneka Lake would <br /> not necessarily resolve the water problems north on 165th Street. Mr. Hummel <br /> wanted to go on record as being opposed to any drainage of Oneka Lake that would <br /> have a negative impact on his property as he has no water problem at this time. <br /> It was decided that Mayor McAllister continue with his negotiations with Alex <br /> Zaluckyj to open the "old" drainage way at the southeast corner of the lake. It <br /> was also decided that the DNR should be contacted to start immediate action to <br /> have the beaver dams removed to allow for more water. Mayor McAllister was in- <br /> structed to write a letter to the DNR initiating their immediate action. <br /> 5.5 Randall Irving - Renew of Mobile Home Permit <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Atkinson seconded, to renew the Mobile Home Permit <br /> for Randall Irving for 90 days, subject to payment of the $10.00 fee. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />