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124 November 5, 1984 <br /> MISCELLANEOUS <br /> The city received a letter frau Howard Kuusisto regarding the application for con- <br /> nection to the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission facility, Lake Air Estates <br /> MOTION: Atkinson made motion, Peltier seconded, that the City grant the Mayor <br /> authorization to sign the permit for connection to the Metro sewer line <br /> for Lake Air Estates. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Schwab seconded, authorizing the Mayor to sign the <br /> application for the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for the sanitary <br /> sewer connection, Lake Air Estates. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried <br /> LETTER OF CREDIT - RICHARD VAIL <br /> MOTION: Peltier made motion, Atkinson seconded, to give the City Engineer admini- <br /> strative authority to reduce the letter of credit for Richard Vail, <br /> Shamrock Glen, up to 70% after the engineer has completed final inspec- <br /> tion of the dewer, water, and road. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.2 Ronald Cressman - Renovation of "Old City Hall" <br /> Ronald Cressman, representing Boy Scout Troop 151, was present to discuss the troop's <br /> plans for renovating the town hall on Highway 61. They have the support of the <br /> American Legion Post and the Hugo Lions Club, financially and physically. The <br /> building is intended to be used as a youth center for Hugo, with hopes of opening <br /> this spring. Mayor McAllister stated that the boy scouts would not have exclusive <br /> use. The building must remain public or the property would revert to the Forest <br /> Lake school district. McAllister stated that the city could not volunteer any <br /> money to fund the project. It was the concensus that the renovation is a worthwhile <br /> project rather than allow the building to deteriorate. Ken Granger, representing <br /> the Hugo Lions Club, stated that the Lions Club would like to see some type of <br /> board setup to oversee what goes on there. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Hauer seconded, that the City of Hugo allow the <br /> Hugo Boy Scout Troop 151 to use the former "Old Town Hall" building, sub- <br /> ject to the following conditions: <br /> 1. Provide the city with a hold harmless agreement. <br /> 2. The troop provide the city with a certificate of insurance naming <br /> the City of Hugo ha an additional named insured. <br /> 3. Mr. Charles Schwab shall serve as the liaison officer between the <br /> city and the scout troop, and develop guidelines acceptable to the city. <br /> 4. The scout troop shall comply with the recommendations of the <br /> Building Inspector regarding safety for the building. <br /> All aye. Notion Carried. <br />