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18 March 7, 1983 <br /> A copy of a letter from the DNR was presented, and it indicated the possibility <br /> of a DNR permit. Mayor McAllister stated that the City Engineer will look into <br /> the matter and comment at a later meeting date. The property lies within the <br /> Carnelian Watershed, and permits may to be obtained from them. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the matter and ask <br /> that Howard Kuusisto take a look at the property and to report to the <br /> City Council of any potential storm water damage that could be caused <br /> to May Township by issuance of building permits to either of these <br /> parcels. This report will be submitted for the meeting of 4/18/83. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.3 Esther Weigel - Reconstruction of the Silver Spur Saloon <br /> Mr. Dave Weigel was present and stated that a final report as to the structural <br /> soundness of the four walls would not be available from Twin City Testing until <br /> March 8th. The Building Inspector submitted a report of his inspection, and <br /> questioned the sturdiness of the north wall. However, if Twin City Testing approved <br /> the north wall, he would comply with their decision. The building was considered <br /> a legal non-conforming use, and if the Weigel's do not alter the dimensions pre- <br /> viously existing, and the capacity of the building (approx 175) , then a Site <br /> Plan is all that would be required. If they plan on intensifying the business, <br /> a Special Use Permit would be required. McAllister suggested that the following <br /> be considered when reviewing the application: <br /> 1. Possibility of Rice Creek Watershed permit. <br /> 2. Access and egress to property. <br /> 3. Parking lot surface and number of spaces. <br /> 4. No increase in seating capacity. <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, Peltier seconded, requesting the Planning Commission to <br /> add Esther Weigel to their agenda for their meeting of 3/9/83. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> MOTION: Peltier made nation, Schwab seconded, to extend the nuisance abatement <br /> procedure for an additional 30 days. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.4 Richard Vail - Disc on Shamrock Glen <br /> Mr. Vail was present to request that the city delete the $90,000 subdivision bond <br /> requirement from the Development Agreement. It was his feeling that the $25,000 <br /> road bond and the case or Letter of Credit, in the amount $112,500.00, would be <br /> equivalent to 125% of the cost of the project. Mr. Vail was instructed to meet <br /> with Engineer Kuusisto regarding this matter, and will be discussed at the next <br /> meeting. <br /> 5.5 American Legion - Review of SUP <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Peltier seconded, to table the matter until <br /> October 17, 1983, so that the water can be monitored for a full summer. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />