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FEBRUARY 209 1973 2" <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to grant Andy Goiffon a Special Use Permit <br /> for the Purpose of mining for a period of five years for the area defined in the <br /> Mining Area Map on file with the Village Engineer. Carlson, Leroux, Lease for Marvin <br /> LaValle abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to amend Item #2, Line #3 of Mining Permit <br /> to include after the word "permit", for the area described by Minnesota Dept. of <br /> Highway as Gravel Pit #3701 recorded in Washington County offices. Carlson Leroux, Lease <br /> for, Marvin LaValle abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Lease to grant Mining Permit for one year to Tom <br /> LaValle dba LaValle Excavating Co., under conditions shown on the permit. Carlson, <br /> Leroux, Lease for, Marvir LaValle abstained. Motion carried. <br /> A letter had been received from Bur-Lar regarding the mining permit sent to them for <br /> their approval, wherein they said the inspection fee of $300.00 is too high. Clerk <br /> Burkard to call Bur-Lar and inform them as to how the fee is handled. <br /> Clerk Burkard reported that an annual Clerks Conference was to be held in Mpls, on <br /> March 7-9, covering Municipal Accounting, Revenue Sharing, and Theory and Background <br /> of Budget Making. Motion made by Carlson, seconded by LaValle to authorize Clerk <br /> Burkard, and Deputy Clerk Hanson to attend Municipal Clerk and Finance Officers <br /> Conference, paying their registration fee of $30.00 each, 9¢ a mile, and their <br /> salaries. Motion carried. <br /> Recessed at 9:30 PM. <br /> Meeting was called back to order at 9:45 PM. <br /> Three of the Hugo Businessmen representing liquor establishments appeared before <br /> Council stating their opposition to an additional liquor license for the Village. <br /> Ed Waugh from Traegers said they waited from 1950' to 1961 for their liquor license, <br /> according to population growth as required by law, and Nashville North should have <br /> to conform to this law also. Don Lease said Mr. Forsblad put up a $100,000 investment <br /> thinking he would be getting a liquor license, and he should get something for his <br /> investment. Leroux stated that had Oneka been incorporated as a township, it would <br /> have been given four liquor licenses. Mayor Carlson said although the Council <br /> recognized the businessmen's viewpoint, they didn't intend to make any changes <br /> regarding resolutions to the legislature. LaValle said that although he'd be willing <br /> to review the matter again, he suggested they present their views before the legislature. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Carlson, to reconsider resolution asking for <br /> an additional liquor license for the village of Hugo. Lease, Leroux, Carlson opposed, <br /> LaValle for. Motion defeated. <br /> Mr. Everett Beaubien representing the Starmold Co. of Bald Eagle Industrial Park <br /> appeared concerning their petition to Grace Development Co. and Ken Tschida to <br /> formulate a comprehensive sanitary sewer plan for the Industrial Park, and to pro- <br /> vide that 130th Street No. in the Industrial Park be retained as a through road, <br /> that it be improved, and ownership and maitenance of said road be converted to the <br /> Village. Starmold said they are the biggest employer in this area and as their <br /> present sewage facility is not adequate, they need sewer service very badly. They've <br /> been pumping their septic tank for the past seventeen days. <br /> Carlson stated that if the interceptor was laid for the Industrial Park, Mr. Tschida <br /> would probably want Oak Shore Park residential area included. Mr. Tschida said <br /> that wasn't true. <br /> Mr. Beaubien said sewer in the Industrial Park would benefit the Village, as it <br /> would entice other industry into the area. <br />