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MARCH 59 1973 <br /> auto salvage or junk yards from Mr. Norm Horton. Neither of the men has a junk dealers <br /> license. As an office for his business, one of the parties, Mr. John Imre, has an 8' <br /> trailer parked on the property with no license to do so. <br /> Jerry Dube started his rport on Streets & Roads by indicating the need for load <br /> restriction signs to be posted on Village roads. He suggested having a patroling <br /> system and weighing possible offenders in at the Hugo Feed Mill. Motion made by <br /> Carlson, and seconded that Council adopt Resolution # 17, providing load weight <br /> limitations. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorua to authorize Street & Road Superintendent to <br /> purchase up to 50 load limit signs not to exceed a cost of $500.00. Motion carried. <br /> Dube also reported there have been incidents lately of people digging trenches across <br /> village roads, thus creating traffic hazzards. He suggested Chief Gunderson speak <br /> with property owners doing the digging. <br /> Jerry had recently taken out a medical insurance policy with American Family Insurance, <br /> and thought he was covered last weekend when his son had an emergency operation. <br /> The company told him they won't pay, as the operation was not the result of an <br /> accident. If this is the case, Dube would like to drop the policy. He's to investigate <br /> further. <br /> Dube brought up the question of a radio system again, and wanted a vote from the <br /> Council. Mayor Carlson was against getting a system as it wasn't in the Budget. <br /> Bjorum didn't think it would be beneficial now that winter's over, but it could <br /> possibly be worked into the next year's Budget. LaValle agreed with Pam and said <br /> if there's $1000.00 available next Fall, a system might be purchased then, otherwise <br /> it could be put into next year's Budget. Motion made by Lease, seconded by LaValle <br /> to table radio request indefinitely. Motion carried. <br /> The Building Inspector reported that Clyde Rehbein had pled not guilty to preliminary <br /> charges regarding his not having a building permit. The matter will be heard in <br /> court shortly. Mr. Rehbein was informed by Attorney Johnson of his need for an occupancy <br /> certificate, and has not yet replyed. Crever to investigate, <br /> Mrs. Bayless appeared before Countil again regarding the inability of a couple she <br /> sold land to to get a building permit. The bt1lding inspector said Mr. Schwab and <br /> an expert from the Soil Conservation Service investigated the land and felt a permit <br /> should not be given until after the Spring thaw. Mrs. Bayless questioned whether all <br /> property is checked as hers had been. She felt this was discriminatory. <br /> Recess was called at 10:10 PM. Meeting called back to order at 10:25 PM, <br /> Regarding Starmold and Grace Development letters of authorization, they were found <br /> by Attorney Johnson to be not quite correct. These companies are to be notified <br /> suggesting cash deposits now, or agreements to pay for legal and engineering costs <br /> within the year. It was noted that Engineer Kuusisto found that 130th Street is not <br /> an accepted roadway. <br /> In regard to claims allegedly arising fron certain purchases of motor vehicles by <br /> governmental entities, the following action was taken: Motion made by Carlson, and <br /> seconded that in the case of the State of Connecticut versus General Motors. <br /> Corporation, M.D.L. Docket # 65-All Cases, the Village of Hugo select Option # 29 <br /> stating "If you do not request exclusion from the class by March 19, 1973, any <br /> judgement or other disposition of the action will be binding on you regardless of <br /> whether it is favorable or not, and you may be required to respond to appropriate <br /> discovery requests." Motion carried. <br />