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MAY 21, 1973 ^A <br /> Regarding the Tom Perzichille Special Use Permit, the commission recommends it be approved <br /> after the McCullough property goes through a minor subdivision. Tom Perzichille must also <br /> get a land survey, which he is in the process of doing. <br /> It was stated that the Fischer Mining Permit comes up for renewal on June 189 1973, and <br /> the Deputy Clerk was instructed to send them a letter informing Fischer of this, and that <br /> they should appear at the Planning Commission meeting June 19, 1973. On the subject of <br /> mining permits, Mayor Carlson said he would like them and also junk yard licenses to go <br /> before the Planning Commission for their recommendations before coming to the Council. <br /> Dan Spitzer thought this would be a very good idea. He also stated that they had made an <br /> amendment to their by—laws, stating agenda items for the Planning Commission should be <br /> given to the Secretary by the Friday preceeding the meeting night. <br /> Larry Furlong appeared before Council concerning approval of a subdivision to be called <br /> Royalhaven Estates 2nd Addition, and discussion was held between Furlong and his partner, <br /> the Council, Engineer, and Dan Spitzer. Spitzer said the Planning Commission recommmded <br /> approval with certain conditions, one of which being that Lot #20 should be given to the <br /> Village as park land. Motion made by Lease, seconded by Bjorum to approve Royalhaven <br /> Estates 2nd Addition subject to conditions in a contract to be written up by the Village <br /> Attorney and Engineer. Motion carried. Motion made by LaValle and seconded that Village <br /> accept deed for Out Lot A of Royalhaven Estates 1st Addition subject to clearance of any <br /> liens or mortgages. Motion carried. <br /> Recess called at 9:00 PM. Called back to order at 9:20 PM. <br /> Regarding the Village Sewer System, Don Lease reported the Sewer Committee has been <br /> meeting weekly to work on the Sewer and Water Ordinance, and they should be able to finish <br /> after talking with the Engineer, Plumbing Inspector, and Attorney. They would like the <br /> Engineer to attend the sewer meeting Thursday of this week. Lease also stated that <br /> Howard is drawing up specs for bidding. <br /> Engineer Kuusisto reported that he and Road Superintendent Jerry Dube had worked out a <br /> 1973 road plan for maintenance. Howard had with him a map showing county roads, roads already <br /> worked on, and those to be worked on this year which he showed to Council. He had also <br /> had brought a written street maintenance plan and cost estimates. Don Lease suggested that <br /> Howard work out a priority system, as the road budget is approximately $19092 and Howard's <br /> cost estimate was $71,610. Howard also requested from Council authorization to purchase <br /> oil for dust control purposes on village roads. Motion made by Bjorum, seconded by <br /> LaValle to authorize Road Department to purchase 1,000 gallons of MC oil for dust control <br /> on roads proposed by the Engineer at a maximum cost of $500.00. Motion carried. <br /> A spokesman for Doris Mikeworth appeared regarding approval of a land division. Mayor <br /> Carlson stated he would like divisions of land to go to the Planning Commission before <br /> going to the Council. (all parcels of land to be divided) Motion made by Carlson, seconded <br /> by LaValle to refer land division of Doris Mikeworth to the Planning Commission for their <br /> recommendations. Motion carried. (Charles Schubat was asked to come in to the Clerk's <br /> office and get a checklist before going to the Planning Commission) <br /> Mayor Carlson stated work should be started soon on a 1974 Budget and also a 5 Year Budget. <br /> The subject of Revenue Sharing came up and Lease, Bjorum, and LaValle stated that they were <br /> opposed to spending the funds for a new fire truck, as the Village had already gotten <br /> permission to bond for it. The report for planned use of revenue sharing funds has to be <br /> mailed out of the Clerk's office by June 20, 1973 and failure to do so could result in <br /> withholding of future payments. <br /> Mayor Carlson stated that the central business district seems to be decaying rather than <br /> making improvements. If this should happen, the central village plan, according to the <br /> comprehensive plan will fail. Eugene Peltier, president of the Hugo Businessmen's Associa— <br /> tion said it is a case of private economics-whether a businessman can afford improvements <br /> or not. He said the association had discussed the same problem, but solving it is not so <br /> easy. Don Lease questioned if it was easy to get money from the Hugo bank, and Peltier <br />