IECEMSER 3, 1973 G.
<br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to approve for K.C. Plaza a Club On Sale Non
<br /> Intoxicating Malt Liquor License and Cigarette License for a total of $22.00. Motion catried.
<br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Lease to approve for Eugene Peltier of Countryside Center,
<br /> a Cigarette License for $12.00. Motion oarried.
<br /> Motion made by Leaoux, seconded by Carlson to approve for K.M. & R.L. Pastorios of Hugo
<br /> Motor Service, a Cigarette License and Soft Drink License for a total of $17.00. Motion
<br /> carried.
<br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Bjorum to approve for Don Lobsinger of Four L Drive In,
<br /> a Cigarette License, Soft Drink License, and Game of Skill License for a total of $27.00.
<br /> Motion carried.
<br /> Clerk Burkard stated he would like to know council policy or formal action established as to
<br /> where to put park fund money donated by village citizens. Attorney Johnson stated a dedicated
<br /> fund of this type should be set up by ordinance.
<br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Leroux to set up a Special Park Fund for the purpose of
<br /> holding that money which is donated from subdividers. Don Lease wanted the word "interim"
<br /> inserted and that no withdrawls be made until an ordinance is made up. Carlson said he
<br /> didn't think that would be necessary. Carlson, LaValle, Leroux, Bjorum for, Lease opposed.
<br /> Motion oarried.
<br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to invest $4054.38 of Special Park Fund Money in
<br /> a four year certificate at the First State Bank of Hugo. Motion carried.
<br /> Regarding amending the dog ordinance, Charles Johnson said he's been tpying to find authority
<br /> to change the ordinance. Bjorum questioned whether that part of the ordinance regarding pick uF
<br /> fee and boarding fee could be deleted. Mr. Johnson said he would work on this for the meeting
<br /> of December 17th.
<br /> Mayor Carlson then read aloud a list of ordinances to be included in the village code.
<br /> Motion made by Carlson, seconded by Bjorum to adopt as part of the village code of Hugo,
<br /> Minnesota, chapters 109 General Provisions, 209 Administration, 409 Buildings & Construction,
<br /> 50, Cigarettes and Wrappers, 60, Civil Defense, 98, Fences, 1109 Fire Prevention & Protection,
<br /> 130, Junk Yards, 150, Liquos, Beer & Wines, 1609 Metropolitan Sewer Service Charges, 170,
<br /> Mining, Excavating & Grading, 180, Motor Vehicle & Traffic, 190, Non Intoxicating Malt Liquor,
<br /> 2009 Nuisance, 2109 Offenses, Miscellaneous, 219, Parking & Loading Areas, 230, Penalties,
<br /> 240, Planning, 2509 Police, 2669 Signs, 2709 Snowmobiles, 2901, Subdivisions, 300 Utilities,
<br /> and 310, Voter Registration. Pam questioned whether the zoning ordinance should be put in the
<br /> code when the code is adopted. Carlson said zoning is just one chapter and this wouldn't affect
<br /> the code. Marvin questioned why the subdivision ordinance should be put in the code when
<br /> changes should be made in it. He also said he hasn't read all the ordinances yet, and doesn't
<br /> want to vote on it.
<br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to table adoption of the Village Code until
<br /> December 17th. Motion carried.
<br /> Fire Chief Ken Granger appeared before council stating that a meeting had been called on
<br /> November 30th by the Washington County Sheriff ,concerning a new communication system for
<br /> the county. In this new system, therewould be one central emergency number in Washington
<br /> County, with a despatcher working twenty four hours per day. In this electronic system, a
<br /> party with a fire call would call the central number, the dispatcher would find the location
<br /> press button and this would set off an alarm here in Hugo. In the case of a power outage,
<br /> this system could be switched to batteries. In our present phone system, during a power
<br /> failure, the fire alarm would not go off. Under the present phone system, the phone bill for
<br /> the village is $431.40 for four phones. There has also been twelve false alarms this year.
<br /> Under the new system, false alarms would be eliminated. Mr. Granger had obt fined a bid on
<br /> equipment needed from Motorola as follows: decoder placed on fire siren—$276.00, nine monitors
<br />