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JANUARY 7, 1974 <br /> J <br /> Clerk Burkard reported thereis "?20,000 in the coffers to invest. He and <br /> the treasurer fel:;; it should be put in a savings account rather than CD. <br /> Motion made by LaValle, seconded by Lease to invest $20,000 in a passbook <br /> savings account in the First State Bank of Hugo. Motion carried. <br /> A revenue sharing check for $2795.00 had been received, and interest of <br /> . 171 .73 from invested revenue sharing money makes a sum of $2966.73 to <br /> also be invested. <br /> Motion made by Crever and seconded to invest j?2966.73 in a 90 day certi- <br /> ficate at the First State Bank of Hugo. notion carried. <br /> It was stated that terms of Jim Leroux and Craig Paulson on the planning <br /> commission were up on 12-31-73. Craig Paulson had mentioned he no longer <br /> wished to be on the commission, and Don Lease mentioned the name of Vern <br /> Peloquin to fill this position. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Crever to appoint Vern Peloquin to the <br /> planning commission for a term of four years. Motion carried. <br /> Motion made by Leroux, seconded by Crever to appoint Jim Leroux to a term <br /> of four years on the planning commission. Motion carried. <br /> A letter of resignation as chairman of the planning commission had been <br /> received from Dan Spitzer. He stated though, that he wishes to continue <br /> as an active member of the commission. Finding a new chairman will be put <br /> on the council agenda for January 21st. <br /> Don Lease reported for the sewer and water committee that they have not <br /> been active for about two months, but should meet shortly to discuss some <br /> methods of sewer assessment. Charles Johnson mentioned the sewer ordinance <br /> should be passed as soon as possible to take care . of charges to the Bald <br /> Eagle Industrial Park. <br /> Recess called at 9:50 P14. Called back to order at 10:05 PM. <br /> Police Chief Richard Gunderson had prepared a monthly and also yearly <br /> report which he gave to council for thier review. He recommended putting <br /> up "No Parking This Side" signs on Ethan Avenue by the lake. <br /> Motion made by Lease, seconded by Leroux to authorize police chief and <br /> T,larvin LaValle to negotiate erection of signs on the east side of Ethan <br /> Avenue, between 122nd Street and 126th Street. Potion carried. Vern <br /> Peloquin stated there should be some signs at the town hall. The chief <br /> is to investigate. <br /> Gunderson mentioned that some people who had quit the Hugo police force, <br /> still had badges, and refused to give them up, as they themselves had <br /> paid for the badges. He thought the village should actually own the badges, <br /> then there would be no problem. <br /> Potion made by Crever and seconded to authorize police chief to spend <br /> .3250.00 to replace badges worn now, and to <br /> purchase proper insignia. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The chief next recommended that Thomas Darrell Zerwas be hired as a part <br /> time police officer for Hugo. Motion made by Crever, seconded by LaValle <br /> that Thomas Darrell Zerwas be appointed as a part time officer for the <br /> Hugo Police Department. Motion carried. <br />