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4PRIL 19, 1976 <br /> o r ) BURNING PERMITS <br /> Lease announced that the Pollution Control Agency has notified the <br /> City Clerk that no outside burning is allowed in Hugo. Under certain <br /> conditions, clearing of land, etc. , a special burning permit may be <br /> obtained directly from the Pollution Control Agency. Attorney to <br /> study matter - to be reviewed at May 17, 1976 meeting. <br /> 7.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 7.1 SHEPHERD OF FIELDS - MINOR SUBDIVISION-148th STREET EXTENSION <br /> AND WATER LINE ixTJ SION - PETITION RECEIVED <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith to approve the minor <br /> subdivision applied for by Vern Peloquin for the West of <br /> the NW4 of the NE4f Section 20, T31 , R21W, subject to receipt <br /> of the survey, with final approval being tied to the condi- <br /> tions of the Special Use Permit. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Leroux, Schletty and Smith <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> Mr. Eldon Morrison, architect from White Bear Lake, presented proposed <br /> building plans for Shepherd of Fields Lutheran Church. Stated building <br /> to be built on east side of property with parking on the west. Build- <br /> ing to be 98 X 60 with a total of 6,000 square feet. There will be <br /> seating for 238 people in the sanctuary. Heating will be provided <br /> by a three furnace forced air system. There will be two entrances <br /> and two extra exits. <br /> Lease said city does not have sufficient money to build portion of <br /> road now owned by City but not constructed, but would be willing to <br /> pay cost of extending water through that section of road with money <br /> in the water fund. Engineer stated road would be 36 feet wide, would <br /> require 8 inches of Class 5 and three inches of bituminous surfacing. <br /> Regarding road construction required of him, Peloquin asked if City <br /> objected to him putting in a storm sewer from culvert going north- <br /> Engineer said agreeable but would like to have outlet. Peloquin asked <br /> if letter of credit instead of bonding was acceptable. Council agreed. <br /> Petition received from church for extension of the water line to the <br /> church. Engineer stated minimum extension allowed would be to the <br /> east side of the church property. Peloquin objected to having to <br /> loop the water. Engineer said eventually they would have to find some <br /> way of looping. Attorney stated that if either the road or water <br /> extension involved assessments to anyone but the developing parties, <br /> it would become subject to a public hearing. Church pastor spoke - <br /> feels the city should pay for the portion of the street (1401 ) that <br /> the city owns. Matter tabled until May 3rd Council meeting. <br /> RECESS - 9:50 - RECONVENE - 10:10 P.M. <br /> 8.0 NEW BUSINESS <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith to approve Job Order <br /> 31268 of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to place <br /> buried cable in 156th Street North, Henna Avenue North and <br /> 170th Street. Part of this construction is on County R.O.W. <br /> and C.S.A.H.4 along the north side easterly to Ingersoll <br /> Avenue North, also along Henna and C.S.A.H. 4, SE corner of <br /> intersection, also on east sida of Henna from 165th Street <br /> North, north to about 200 feet. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Leroux, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith to approve Job Order <br /> 31274 of the Northwestern Bell Telephone Company to place <br /> buried cable in the East side of Ingersoll Avenue North <br />