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AUGUST 16,1976 <br /> RESOLUTION APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to pass Resolution <br /> #1976-50, A resolution appointing election judges for the <br /> City of Hugo, Minnesota for the State Primary Election on <br /> September 14, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTIOPT: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith, to pass Resolution <br /> # 1976-51 , a Regolution Designating the Polling Places in <br /> Hugo, for the State Primary Election on September 14, 1976, <br /> and for the General Election on November 2, 1976. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to establish the <br /> rate of pay for election judges for 1976 at the rate of <br /> $2.50 per hour. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> FISCHER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY - Stockpile <br /> City Engineer advised Council that there is a descrepancy between <br /> the total amount of yards the stockpile contains, as originally <br /> stated by Fischer and amount of Tons the stockpile contains. When <br /> figured in Tons rather than Cubic yards the cost of the stockpile <br /> is approximately 1/3 higher. LaValle stated Richard Bury also has <br /> a stockpile for sale, as does Barton; Kuusisto stated Fischer has <br /> better grade gravel. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Schletty, to offer Fischer <br /> Construction Company $7500.00 for his stockpile at the <br /> Hugo Pit, waiving his Letter of Credit until such time <br /> they begin the crushing, operation again. Payment would <br /> be as follows: One-half payment to be made in 1976, second- <br /> half payment to be made by November 1 , 1977, with <br /> the understanding that the stockpile could remain on the <br /> property for three years. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> - Meeting Recessed 8:00P.M. - <br /> Public Hearing - 148th Street Water Estension <br /> Clerk read notice of public hearing. <br /> Ron Granger: How can we tell how many feet we are being assessed <br /> for? <br /> Lease: Granger Plumbing - 210.5 feet; Granger Body Shop - 110.5 <br /> feet; and American Legion - 100 feet. Lease asked if they <br /> hadn't received notices stating these amounts? <br /> Ron Granger: No, they didn't. <br /> C. Crever: What was the total cost of the project? <br /> Lease: $6,569.15, and the City is paying $3200.00 of the cost. <br /> Lease: This is an improper hearing. The property owners should <br /> have been notified what the total footage is and what the <br /> total amount to be assessed was. <br /> V. Peloquin: What is the rate of interest? <br /> LaValle: 7 % interest. There is approximately thirty days from <br /> the date of the assessment hearing to pay in full with <br /> out interest charges, and then, if not paid in that time, <br /> interest begins from the date the assessment roll is adopted. <br />