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Crever: Can the Legion property be subdivided into another lot? <br /> Lease : Yes it could. <br /> Lease then notified the property owners that this hearing would <br /> be continued on September 20, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Crever: The property owners on the other side of the street did <br /> not get assessed. <br /> LaValle: No, they didn't. <br /> Engineer Kuusisto: Are there any objections? <br /> Crever: No. The Legion Club would like to pay their cost before <br /> the interest is applied. <br /> Lease: Cost to be assessed to the American Legion is $800.00, <br /> Granger Body Shop - $884.00, and Granger Plumber - $1 ,684.00. <br /> Peloquin: Are there any assessments against the two side lots that <br /> face onto Foxhill? <br /> Lease: No. <br /> Ron Granger: Does the Body Shop lot run all the way to Hwy. 61 <br /> or is it a separate lot? <br /> LaValle: Yes, it is one lot. <br /> Lease: This meeting is recessed until September 20, 1976 at 8:00 P.M. <br /> - Meeting Reconvened 8:24 P.M. - <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to recess the <br /> public hearing on the 148th Street Water Extension until <br /> 8:00 P.M. on September 20, 1976. Clerk instructed to send <br /> out proper notices stating time, date, number of feet to <br /> be assessed, the amount per foot and the total amount to <br /> be assessed to each property. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 7.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS - BUDGET PROPOSAL <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith, to schedule a pre- <br /> liminary Budget Meeting for 7:00 P.M. on August 30, 1976 <br /> at the Hugo City Hall. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 8.0 NEW BUSINESS - BEULKE AGENCY - Safety Recommendations <br /> Clerk read letter from Buelke Agency offering safety recommendations <br /> that are offered after making an inspection of the City property, <br /> in conjunction with an underwriting and rating survey. Improvements <br /> include improving of lighting of exit signs, refrigerator and other <br /> appliances to be equipped with 3 wire cords and plugs, and air <br /> compressor and fan in fire department to be equipped with guards. <br /> LaValle said he would investigate purchase of the approved lighting. <br /> 9.0 MRS. FRANCES MORRISSETTE - HOUSE NUMBER CHANGE <br /> Letter received from Mrs. Morrissette indicates she cannot get <br /> home-owner's insurance on her storage shed because it has a diff- <br /> erent house number from her home. <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by LaValle, to advise Mrs. <br /> Morrissette that the Council agrees that her home and <br /> storage shed are on one piece of property and her correct <br /> address .is 5546 146th Street. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, LaValle, Schletty and Smith. <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> CETA FUNDING <br /> Clerk advised Council that since George Koland wasn't hired right <br /> away after the funding was approved, ther are still funds left, <br /> which have been transferred to another fund; his employment has <br /> been extended through September 30, 1976. <br />