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" 18 6.5 Building Inspector - submitted his written report. <br /> 6.6 Fire Chief - no discussion. <br /> 6.7 Police Chief - A letter received from Mr. Gressman was read <br /> in regards to his demand for what he considers back wages. A <br /> Police Chief Bob Barth was read stating that vol- <br /> unteer time was agreed at the time of his hiring. All wages <br /> have been paid for claims submitted. No action taken at this <br /> time. <br /> 6.8 Attorney - Charles Johnson submitted 1 -;s written report. Mr. <br /> Johnson stated he needs a legal description for the rezoning <br /> of LaBelle and Tom LaCasse. The drainage easement for Sunset <br /> Lake has been sent to Schletty. Th3 road proposed by Manuel <br /> Peloquin was reviewed. LaValle suggested that Mr. Johnson write <br /> a letter to Peloquin's attorney in regards to : 1 - the tempory <br /> cul-de-sac, 2 - the mortgage companies to sign off, 3 - <br /> clarification of legal description of the property, and 4- <br /> need a variance for road length. <br /> The claim of MarY Ouimet of 3700.00 for damages because of fallen <br /> tree was turned downed in 1975. At this time, no insuranceclaims <br /> are being processed. Mr. Johnson instructed to send a letter to <br /> her attorney. <br /> The Minnesota Department of Taxation sent a letter regarding the <br /> possible change in liquor ordinance stating that all real estate <br /> taxes would have to be paid before license could be renewed. This <br /> is one way to assure taxes get paid. Ordiance committee to review. <br /> Mr. Johnson stated that there is some scheduling problems with <br /> city court cases. More people are now pleading not guilty. They <br /> are trying to have the judge schedule cases limiting the amount <br /> of time spent going to and from. <br /> Fire Chief <br /> Mr. Jim Olson presented a mutual aid agreement with the city of <br /> Forest Lake. Council questioned Hugo's liability. Agreement <br /> submitted to attorney Johnsonfor his reviewal. Mr. Olson <br /> also stated that the Fire Department needed new equipment. Some <br /> of the 21" hose needs replacement . Requested 200' of 4" light <br /> weight hose at $348.00 per 100' length, one 12" nozzle at $161 .46, <br /> and two couplings at $50.00 +each. The _are Department has approx- <br /> imately $2,000.00 left in their budget. <br /> MOTION. Lease made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve <br /> the purchase by the Hugo Fire Department of 200' of <br /> 4" hose at $696.00, one nozzle (12") at $161 .46, and <br /> two couplings at $50.00 each. Total cost to be <br /> $957.46. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, Schletty, LaValle, and Leroux <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.9 Engineer - submitted his written report. Mr. Ken Tschida called <br /> regarding his addition on Egg Lake Road. He would like NSP to run <br /> a gas main through. The city would not want gas main on the south <br /> side until sewer and water are in. Mr. Kuusisto received a call <br /> from Aquarius Plumbing in regards to the connecting of Advanced <br /> Fiberglass. They were advised to first make locations known before <br /> any work started. The attorney has submitted the easements for <br /> Sunset Lake. Kuusisto has not heard from Rice Creek Watershed 5.n <br /> regards to drainage problem of Sunset Lake. Engineer instructed <br /> to contact Rice Creek. <br />