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NOVEMBER 1 , 1976 119 <br /> 7.0 Clerk - Washington County CETA held up until November 8, 1976. <br /> The city has until January 1 , 1977, to make any ward boundary changes, <br /> thereafter, changes in precinct boundaries can be made only after the <br /> general election in November and before January 1 , 1977. No changes <br /> in precinct boundaries may be made from January 1 , 1977, to January 1 , <br /> 1982, except by annexation. In effect, precinct lines are frozen for <br /> a period of five years. Possible boundary changes tabled until November <br /> 15, 1976. <br /> In 1966, Lars Danielson handed an easement on Homestead Avenue to <br /> Washington County. The new property owners would now like to have <br /> the easement vacated. City attorney, Mr. Johnson, instructed to <br /> write a letter to their attorney to follow up on the cost of the <br /> vacating proceedings, and have a more accurate description of property <br /> in question. Also, Mr. Johnson to inquire about a Street Vacation <br /> Petition. <br /> City received a letter from the office of the Secretary of the <br /> Treasury informing the city that they will be administering an <br /> anti-recession assestance. In order to be eligible for payment, <br /> the local government must file a statement of assurances with the <br /> Office of Revenue Sharing. The clerk has submitted the statement. <br /> 7.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> 8.0 UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 8.1 Dennis Burdick - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Burdick's partner was in attendance to represent Mr. <br /> Burdick. A performance bond has been filed with Beukle <br /> Insurance for $2,000.00 payable to the City of Hugo, to <br /> insure the completion of blacktopping. Bond will be <br /> delivered to City Hall as soon as completed. Councilman <br /> Schletty went on record that he would like to see setback <br /> at 5' . <br /> MOTION: Lease made motion, seconded by Smith, to approve the <br /> Special Use Permit for Dennis Burdick subject to the <br /> following: <br /> 1 . That a performance bond be posted with the city <br /> in the amount of $2,000.00 to insure the comple- <br /> tion of blacktopping. Work to be completed by <br /> July 1 , 1977. <br /> 2. That the site plan as submitted be adhered to with <br /> the proposed eleven foot entrance being constructed <br /> on the south side of the existing changeable message <br /> sign. <br /> 3. That the parking area as displayed on the plan on <br /> which cars for sale are to be parked is to be black- <br /> topped eighty feet back from the property line. <br /> 4. That there will be no cars parked in front of the <br /> northwest overhead door. <br /> 5. That all automobiles on display be a distance of <br /> 2' from the sidewalk. <br /> 6. That where permissible restraining bumpers shall be <br /> installed. <br /> VOTING FOR: Lease, Smith, LaValle, and Leroux <br /> ABSTAINED: Schletty <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 8.2 John Tschida - Re: Drainage and Parkin, <br /> The lot in fenced area will be graded. Kuusisto said the problem <br /> of drainage was between the buildings. Mr. Tschida will fill <br /> the north area of the east building and fill and landscape between <br /> buildings for natural runoff. He will consult with someone to find <br />