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AUGUST 1, 1977 65 <br /> MOTION: Vail made motion, seconded by Spitzer, to authorize the Fire Chief <br /> to send Leonard Charpentier to school. Registration fee of $10.00 <br /> to be billed to the city. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.6 Police Chief <br /> Chief Barth submitted his written report. Report stated that there is a need for a <br /> new squad car. Present car has recorded mileage at 85,000. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Vail, that the Police Chief be <br /> directed to solicit bids on a new squad car. Opening bid night <br /> will be September 6, 1977 at 8:00 PM. Request for bids must <br /> include the option of trading the old car in. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, that the Police Chief be <br /> directed to solicit bids for necessary emergency equipment for new <br /> squad car including installation of equipment with option of trade in <br /> for present safety equipment. Bids to be considered September 6, 1977. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 6.7 Attorney <br /> Mr. Johnson has been in contact with Bob Briggs in regards to the Beisang Road and <br /> the joint maintenance agreement to signed with Grant Township. LaValle stated that <br /> Grant Township has stated they will assume entire maintenance of that road. Johnson <br /> inquired if that was the only road to be included in the agreement. LaValle responded <br /> yes, but that does not give them ownership of the road, and any improvements would <br /> have to go through the city of Hugo. Howard Kuusisto was asked to look at Grant's <br /> specifications. Spitzer suggested that it be noted that our regulations are more <br /> stringent than theirs. <br /> Mr. Johnson will obtain a copy of the court's opinion regarding the White Bear Rod <br /> and Gun Club. He will supply City Hall with a copy. <br /> An appeal will have to be filed regarding the Metropolitan Land Planning matter. <br /> The appeal will be accomplished by City Council resolution. The city has 60 days <br /> from June 29th to file this resolution, to be submitted to the State Hearing Officer. <br /> LaValle and Irsfeld will meet with Mr. Johnson on August 9th to try and resolve the <br /> items wanted changed. <br />