DECEMBER 5, 1977 129
<br /> 6.9 Clerk cont.
<br /> can now be issued an off—sale liquor license.
<br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, that the off sale liquor
<br /> license for Swan Anderson, Swanny of Hugo, Inc., 14559 Forest
<br /> Boulevard, be approved.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irs£eld, and Vail.
<br /> The Planning Commission requested permission to send two representatives to the annual
<br /> Planning and Zoning Seminar, December 15 and 16, at the Registry Hotel, Bloomington,
<br /> Minn. The fee is $30.00 each.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, authorizing the Planning
<br /> Commission to send two representatives to the Planning and Zoning
<br /> Seminar, at a fee of $30.00 each, and mileage for one.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail.
<br /> Mr. Koland submitted a letter to the City Council stating the reasons for asking for the
<br /> resignation of Leonard Schrofer. Mr. Schrofer was hired through CETA. They would like us
<br /> to try and fill the vacancy within 30 days.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the City Council
<br /> approves Mr. Koland's recommendation for the termination of Leonard
<br /> Schrofer as of December 2, 1977.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail.
<br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, that Mr. Schletty, Mr.
<br /> Vail, and Mr. Koland sit on a committee to interview new applicants
<br /> and report to the City Council within 30 days.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail
<br /> The clerk stated that there are some problems in trying to get in touch with Mr.Koland
<br /> AT the Village Hall, and inquired as to the possibility of having a phone installed.
<br /> The installation would cost ; 39.00, and the monthly bill would be ; 29.00.
<br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Spitzer, to not install a phone
<br /> at the old Village Hall.
<br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld, and Vail.
<br /> Mr. Johnson presented a reviesed draft of the ordinance for multiple family dwellings
<br /> in the SFU zone. The ordinance has been reviewed by the Ordinance Committee, the
<br /> City Council, Planning Commission, and Tom Crever. Mr. Johnson suggested that a
<br /> public hearing would be needed before the ordinance can be adopted.
<br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the Planning
<br /> Commission be directed to hold a public hearing in regard to the
<br /> ordinance amending the zoning ordinance multiple family dwellings
<br /> in the SFU zone.
<br />