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1978.11.20 CC Minutes
City Council
City Council Minutes
1978 CC Minutes
1978.11.20 CC Minutes
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11/5/2015 3:48:36 PM
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9,7 2 NOVEMBER 20, 1978 <br />Gregoire - continued <br />Subdivision D, for ninety days. Mr. Gregoire is to provide <br />a restatement of hardship case for the next renewal. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.2 Mardon Homes - _Subdivision <br />LaValle and Kuusisto had inspected the site of the proposed roads, and <br />determined that the most suitable site for the road would be at the crest <br />of the hill on Irish Avenue, with the center line of the road between the <br />two houses on the west side of the road. There will be change in the <br />preliminary plan, and will have to be returned to the Planning Commission <br />for their review. LaValle stated that he had a number of problems with <br />the subdivision - the 900' driveways and more consideration be given to <br />the road relative to house locations. Irsfeld stated that another con- <br />cern would be the location of the homes relative to drainage into Long <br />Lake. LaValle suggested that Mr. Tramm's planner look at the possibility <br />of getting access to the property from another route. <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the Mardon <br />Homes preliminary plan be returned to the Planning CommissiDn <br />for consideration as amended by the applicant. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.5 Off Sale Liquor License - Taxes <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, that the Off <br />Sale Liquor Licenses be placed on the agenda for December <br />4, 1978. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.6 Francis Langer_, 1979 Contract for Assessing <br />It was assumed that Mr. Ed Leroux did not want to assess property in Hugo <br />after the year 1978. Mr. Langer stated that he prefers to work with Mr. <br />Langer and would charge 750 per parcel. LaValle instructed Mr. Langer to <br />send another proposal to the city with a rate of assessing for the year <br />1980, and then Mr. Langer could hire whoever he wanted. <br />5.7 Gerald Dabe - Rezoning and Minor Subdivision <br />Mr. Dabe is requesting to rezone a 20 acre parcel zoned Conservancy to <br />two 10 acre parcels zonod Agriculture. The Planning Commission recommended <br />approval, subject to Lot C remaining in the Conservancy zone. <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, amending the Zoning <br />Ordinance to include the transfer of the following described <br />property from the Conservancy zone to the Agriculture zone: <br />N -J of the SW4 of the NEJ of Section 3, Town 31, Range 21. <br />VOTING FOR:* LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />Minor Subdivision (SWI of the NEI of Section 3) <br />Spitzer said that the city should have easements of the plat because of <br />the new road. LaValle stated that a Minor Subdivision cannot be acted on, <br />because of the new road. Mr. Johnson said that subdivision is required <br />if there is a new road, irrespective of size. <br />
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