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NOVEMBER 209 1978 <br />Dabe-continued <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, that the Minor <br />Subdivision for Gerald Dabe be denied on the grounds that <br />it is inappropriate. Mr. Dabe is hereby advised that fur- <br />ther division of the property will be required with a regu- <br />lar subdivision application. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, seconded by Vail, that the fee paid for <br />the Minor Subdivision 040.00) be applied to the Subdivision <br />application ($60.00). <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />VOTING AGAINST: Spitzer <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />Spitzer stated that Mr. Dabe is to get title of the easement so transfer <br />can be made of the new road to the city, or agreement of the property <br />owners of transfer of the easement to the city. The preliminary plan to <br />show a 60' easement along the north property line. <br />5.8 Dean Atkinson - Site Plan Approval <br />Mr. Atkinson wants to build a 40 x 60 pole building in the Peloquin In- <br />dustrial Park to use for storage. LaValle stated that before the city can <br />grant approval of the Site Plan for Mr. Atkinson, Vern Peloquin would have <br />to make application for a Minor Subdivision. Spitzer said that Peloquin <br />could build the building, and get site plan approval to construct himself <br />or get a Minor Subdivision. <br />MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Irsfeld, to set this matter <br />aside until later on the agenda. <br />VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty, Irsfeld and Vail <br />MOTION CARRIED <br />5.9 Dick Genrich - Variance to Standard Septic Svstem <br />The Planning Commission was unable to make a recommendation to use the <br />osmosis type system in Hugo for new construction. Mr. Genrich wants to <br />divide an 80A parcel into a 30A parcel and a 50A parcel, and perc tests <br />did not pass on either parcel. He is requesting that the City Council <br />approve the osmosis sewer system in principal. Mr. Kuusisto stated that <br />he was unaware that there was no area where a standard system could be <br />installed. <br />LaValle said that the basic question is "should the City of Hugo take land <br />that is unbuildable and make buildable by any type of any sewer system". <br />We have had existing problems and looked at alternative systEms. But on <br />this piece of property, we have a couple of houses with no way out. Mr. <br />Genrich stated that 100 systems have been installed with no failures. <br />LaValle said that he did know if the city can go against the ordinance <br />and grant a variance. He did not think that it was the intention to open <br />areas for development that don't meet the requirements we now have. LaValle <br />suggested that Mr. Genrich find a site that is buildable and then we could <br />look at an alternative system. <br />Mr. Johnson stated that there is an additional problem because of the Flood <br />Plain Ordinance. The ordinance is on file and has to be followed. LaValle <br />said that the property is located in the 100 year flood level. <br />