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AUGUST 6, 1979 103 <br /> 5.3 MR Tourist Camp - Nuisance Complaint <br /> The City Clerk and a representative from the Health Department made an <br /> on-site inspection of the camp. Ms. Marsh submitted a report regarding <br /> the latest inspection, and told the Clerk that the matter would be going <br /> back to court. LaValle suggested that the city should send the City <br /> Engineer, and Plumbing Inspector to the site to make a determination of <br /> the status of the septic systems. If they are not adequate, they should <br /> be closed down. Spitzer stated that the City Attorney should contact <br /> the State Health Department to find out how long before any action will <br /> be taken. These reports should be heard at the meeting of August 20. <br /> 5.4 Darrell Tavernier - Rezoning <br /> Mr. Curt Leibel, prospective buyer of the Tavernier property, had made <br /> application to rezone the property at 4444 129th Street from SFE to <br /> RB. Leibel sought to intensify the boat rental operation. A public <br /> hearing had been held by the Planning Commission, and they recommended <br /> that the request be denied because of spot rezoning and operation would <br /> be of no benefit to the City. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by Schletty, the adoption <br /> of ORDINANCE 1979-162, and Ordinance amending Chapter <br /> 320 entitled Zoning, to rezone property at 4444 129th <br /> Street from SFE to RB. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle and Vail <br /> VOTING AGAINST: Spitzer and Schletty <br /> MOTION FAILED <br /> 5.5 Larry Hanson - Farm Site Plan <br /> Mr. Hanson owns 45 acres at 14355 Irish Avenue, and would like to <br /> construct a 36 x 72 pole barn to be used for his personal use. <br /> MOTION: Spitzer made motion, seconded by Schletty, to approve <br /> the Farm Site Plan for Larry Hanson, 14355 Irish Avenue, <br /> to construct a 36 x 72 pole barn for his personal use. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, Spitzer, Schletty and Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.6 Roger Gfrerer - Variance <br /> Mr. Gfrerer, 7656 128th Street, would like to construct a 3-car garage, <br /> but requires a 15' variance from the front yard setback. The attached <br /> garage would be converted into living space. The existing driveway <br /> would be used for the new garage. <br />