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June 1 , 1981 <br /> Jeffrey Barbour - cont. <br /> MOTION: LaValle made motion, seconded by McAllister, that it would be appro- <br /> priate for the City Council to make an on-site inspection of the <br /> kennel operation and a report be submitted for the meeting of June 15th <br /> in regard to Jeffrey Barbour's Letter of Credit. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> LaValle and Vail agreed to make this inspection. <br /> Mr. Barbour to be sent a letter stating that an inspection will be made by the <br /> City Council on Items 1 , 2, and 3 as they pertain to his Letter of Credit. If <br /> Mr. Barbour would like to set up a particular time and date, he is to contact <br /> the clerk's office so arrangements can be made. <br /> 5.12 Herbert Simpson - Septic System Violation <br /> The City attorney has been in contact with Simpson's attorney, and Mr. Simpson <br /> feels that the requirements set forth by the Building Inspector for repair of <br /> his s itic system are excessive. After discussion with the Building Inspector, <br /> it isrgcommendation that the system should be brought up to code whice would <br /> mean a sealed tank. The City Attorney suggested that a joint meeting be held <br /> with the Building Inspector, the contractor, and Mr. Simpson, to determine <br /> exactly what will be required to repair the system. Mr. Johnson willforward <br /> a letter to Mr. Simpson and his attorney requesting that an on-site inspection <br /> be made of the system to determine exactly what is needed to correct the <br /> problem. LaValle stated that Tom Crever has agreed to inspect the exposed <br /> tank and a report of the findings should be made available for the meeting of <br /> June 15th. <br /> 5.13 Bruce Myhre - Nuisance Complaint <br /> McAllister, Vail and LaValle will make an inspection of the Myhre property to <br /> determine the extent of the nuisance violation. <br /> 5.14 Wayne Bjorum - Land Division <br /> Mr. Bjorum owns 23 acres in Hugo which is zoned Conservancy. They will be retaining <br /> 3 acres (90' strip along acreage) for driveway purposes. They will be selling <br /> the 20 acres and wanted to know about giving the new owners clear title to 5 acres <br /> but maintaining the remaining 15 acres so that no building permits could be granted <br /> for that portion. Twenty acres would stay in tact to meet the zoning requirements. <br /> Attorney Johnson told the Bjorum's that they would have two options available to <br /> them for the sale of the land: 1 ) Provide a restrictive covenant on the 15 acres <br /> stating that even if the Contract for Deed is cancelled, no building permit would <br /> be issued on the 15 acres, or 2). consider conveying the 20 acres and taking a <br /> second mortgage. They were instructed to contact their attorney, who should be <br /> familiar with a similar situation in Hugo (Thomas King Property) . The 3 acre <br /> strip will be divided from the 20 acres with the understanding it is approved <br /> for road purposes only and no building permit would be allowed. The Bjorum's <br /> were instructed to appear at the Council meeting of June 15th and provide the <br /> following: Certificate of Survey, proof-of-ownership, site plan indicating <br /> their homestead in May Township and dash in the 90' strip for roadway purposes. <br />