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April 19, 1 82 37 <br /> 9 <br /> received a letter from Kenneth Zimmerman, Secretary/Treasurer for Zimco, dated <br /> March 19, 1982, stating the business will not be in operation until further notice. <br /> They are currently intending to seel this property, and if they reistate operations, <br /> they will advise accordingly and provide the necessary documents required. Tom <br /> Zimmerman was present, and was informed that if the permit is terminated, Zimco <br /> would have to start from the very beginning to reinstate their permit. Mr. Zimmerman <br /> stated that he was not aware of this requirement, and understood that he could <br /> reinstate the permit when business commenced again, and another Letter of Credit <br /> submitted. Mr. Stachowiak, 5848 130th Street, was present and stated that he <br /> has an easement along Zimco's road to get to his 10 acres, but he cannot get in <br /> there when the gates are closed. This was determined to be a civil matter. Mr. <br /> Zimmerman stated that, at this time, there were several options to be considered <br /> regarding their business, but are not sure which they will select. <br /> The public hearing was closed at 8:16 PM. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Irsfeld seconded, that the matter be tabled until <br /> the Council meeting of May 3, 1982, and if the Letter of Credit, in the <br /> amount of $500.00, is not submitted prior to meeting date, the City Council <br /> will take further action. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Irsfeld <br /> ABSTAINED: Schletty <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.6 Armon Septic System - Doug Kruse Property <br /> The $4 ,000 bond covering the septic system located on property located at 12616 <br /> Ingersoll will expire May 7, 1982. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made mot ion, Schletty seconded, that the City instruct the con- <br /> tractor to install the septic system on the Dougles Kruse property, 12616 <br /> Ingersoll Avenue North, as previously approved by the City Engineer. The <br /> City Attorney be instructed to notify the bonding company of the city's <br /> action and forward to them the cost that is to be incurred from the <br /> installation of such system, and that the property owner is responsible <br /> for whatever costs are not recovered from the bonding company, as agreed <br /> to in the previous agreement signed by both parties. <br /> VOTING FOR: LaValle, McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld <br /> MOTION CARRIED <br /> 5.2 Roger DuPaul - Rental of North Half (Hugo Auto Parts) <br /> Mr. DuPaul was not present, but contacted the office stating that he will be esta- <br /> blishing an auto dismantling yard located on the north half of Hugo Auto Pars, <br /> presently owned by Norman Horton. It was determined that Mr. DuPaul is to provide <br /> a copy of his Lease Agreement with Mr. Horton, and he is to comply with all condi- <br /> tions of the Special Use Permit. The Council also determined that Mr. Horton is <br /> to apply for an Amended Special Use Permit, as conditioned in Item 10 (activating <br /> of second license) . <br /> 6.0 ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS <br /> The city received notice of new legislation regarding mobile/manufactured housing. <br /> Clerk was directed to contact th e League regarding any further information that is <br /> available. <br />