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54 <br /> June 7, 1982 <br /> 5.2 Shamrock Glen - Final Plat Approval <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, McAllister, to approve the final plat for the <br /> Shamrock Glen subdivision, Richard Vail, developer. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Mr. Vail stated that there will be no beer sold at the softball tournament to <br /> be held June 12th. He thought that additional posts were needed to help keep the <br /> new snow fence upright. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, McAllister seconded, that the City purchase 30 addi- <br /> tional posts from the Hugo Feed Mill. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.3 John Norton - Will be discussed at next meeting. <br /> 5.4 Bill Clark - Expiration of Bond (July 1 , 1982) <br /> An onsite inspection of the property located on Homestead Drive was made by the <br /> City Engineer, Howard Schletty, Tom Fast, and Bill Clark along with neighbor, <br /> Gunns. Kuusisto made suggestions as to how the problem could be remedied. After <br /> a discussion on June 8th with Mr. Kuusisto, it should be noted that the problem <br /> is worse than ever, and Clark has made no attempt to resolve anything. <br /> MOTION: Irsfeld made motion, Vail seconded, that a registered letter be sent <br /> to Bill Clark, stating that if the work required, as suggested by the <br /> City Engineer is not completed, that an extension on the $2,500 bond, <br /> with an expiration of July 1 , 1983, be submitted to the Clerk's office <br /> by June 17, 1982, 12:00 noon. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Eugene Ramacher - Liquor Licenses <br /> Mr. Ramacher is purchasing Hec Fuzzy's, and provided a copy of his purchase agree- <br /> ment. He stated that there is money being held in escrow to pay the current <br /> delinquent Utility Account with the City. Mr. Ramacher stated that he will be the <br /> sole officer in the corporation. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Irsfeld seconded, to grant conditional approval <br /> of the transfer of the following licenses from Jacqueline Driggs, HEC <br /> FUZZY'S, INC. , TO Eugene Ramacher, SILVER SPUR SALOON, INC: OFF SALE <br /> INTOXICATING LIQUOR, ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR, ON SALE SUNDAY LIQUOR, <br /> CIGARETTE, and BILLIARD LICENSE. Transer of licenses is subject to the <br /> receipt of the following: <br /> 1 . A copy of the Articles of Incorporation showing Eugene Ramacher as sole <br /> officer of the company. <br /> 2. Payment, in full, of delinquent utility account. <br /> 3. Proof of ownership. <br /> 4. Payment of license fees ($1 ,062.00) . <br /> 5. Approval contingent on actual closing of property. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br />