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82 September 20, 1982 <br /> 5.3 Husnik Industrial Park - Final Plat Approval <br /> Mr. Husnik presented the Council with copies of the hardshell for his subdivision. <br /> Before the City can sign the plat, Mr. Peloquin must correct the error on 152nd <br /> Street. The City must quit claim 3 deeds for 152nd Street back to Vern Peloquin, <br /> and Mr. Peloquin will in turn deed back the street to the City on one deed. Mr. <br /> Peloquin was present at the meeting, and stated that he has incurred debts (appro- <br /> ximately $110.00) that he feels are the responsibility of the City. It was his <br /> opinion that the City should help pay because the error was not his fault. The <br /> drainage easements are not indicated on the final plat, as previously requested <br /> by the City. The only property owners that will remain with an 8' discrepancy are <br /> Fred Riermann and Jim Olson. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to grant final plat approval of the <br /> Husnik Industrial Park subdivision, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk <br /> to sign the Plat. This approval is subject to the following: <br /> 1 . Submission of three (3) deeds for 152nd Street from the City of Hugo <br /> to Mr. & Mrs. Vern Peloquin. <br /> 2. Submission of one ( 1 ) deed from Mr. & Mrs. Vern Peloquin to the City <br /> of Hugo for 152nd Street. <br /> 3. All deeds will be reviewed and subject to the City Attorney's recommen- <br /> dation for approval. <br /> 4. Execution of two (2) deeds from the City of Hugo to Mr. James Husnik. <br /> One (1 ) deed will be for drainage and the second deed will be Francesca <br /> Avenue. <br /> 5. Subject to payment of all costs to the City of Hugo. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.4 Byron Anderson - Rezoning <br /> Mr. Anderson is proposing the rezoning of 160 acres from Conservancy to Agriculture. <br /> The Council wanted to make sure that the acreage would support onsite septic systems <br /> prior to the creation of smallerlot sizes. A soils map was obtained from the <br /> Washington County ASCS office for review by the Council and City Engineer. Kuusisto <br /> stated that most of the land under consideration appears to have good development <br /> sites. Mrs. Anderson, present at the meeting, stated that she was aware that they <br /> would need land division for the sale of any property, and that perc tests would <br /> be required at that time. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Vail seconded, to adopt ORDINANCE 188, AN ORDI- <br /> NANCE AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION OF DESCRIBED REAL <br /> PROPERTY. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Schle tty, Irsfe ld, Vail <br /> MOTION CARRIED. <br /> Let the record show that soil charts had been examined by the City prior to the <br /> rezoning approval. <br />