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September 20, 1982 83 <br /> 5.6 John W. Norton - Special Use Permit <br /> Mr. Norton had until 9/20/82 in which to submit the Letters of Credit as conditioned <br /> in his Special Use Permit. That requirement was not complied with. Specifications <br /> for an alternate site for a septic system had been submittedm eMr llKuusisto for <br /> his review. The plan did include the area from which borrowe would come from, along <br /> with dimensions, but did not indicate the amount of material that would be removed <br /> from the site. <br /> MOTION: McAllister made motion, Schletty seconded, that the City Clerk notify Mr. <br /> Norton that he has failed to meet the conditions of his Special Use Permit, <br /> and that the Permit is now null and void. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> Before the City Clerk can accept another application for a Special Use Permit, the <br /> bills incurred from the professional staff must be paid for the previous application. <br /> 5.8 Bellaire Sanitation <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, Vail seconded, to grant a license for the collection <br /> of garbage and refuse in the City of Hugo to Bellaire Sanitation, under <br /> Chapter 120, for a fee of $50.00. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> 5.5 Ordinance 187 - Continuation of Public Hearing <br /> The public hearing to consider Ordinance 187 was called back to order at 8:06 •PM. <br /> There were no new comments from the audience, and none from the City Council. <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, McAllister seconded, to close the public hearing at <br /> 8:08 PM. <br /> All aye. Motion Carried. <br /> It was the concensus of the Council that the vote should not be taken until the whole <br /> Council is present. <br /> MOTION: Schletty made motion, McAllister seconded, that the Council postpone voting <br /> on Ordinance 187 until October 4, 1982, provided there is a full Council. <br /> VOTING FOR: McAllister, Schletty, Irsfeld <br /> ABSTAINED: Vail <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> GARY DOONER - REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BOTTLE COMPANY <br /> Mr. Dooner had appeared before the Planning Commission at a previous date regarding <br /> the reconstruction of the Bottle Company, which was destroyed by fire late in 1981 . <br /> The new building will be exactly the same size as the previous structure. Only <br /> difference would be that the new building would be brought up to code. Dooner stated <br /> that the Commission felt that because the existing foundation would be used, only a <br /> Building Permit would be required. The clerk contacted Rice Creek regarding the <br />