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Hugo City Council Meeting Minutes for November 2,2015 <br /> Page 3 of 7 <br /> Approve Resolution Approving Application for Met Council Water Efficiency Grant <br /> The Metropolitan Council is accepting applications for their Water Efficiency Grant, and <br /> Washington County is offering additional financial support for cities who apply for it. This grant <br /> is being offered from the Clean Water Legacy Fund for programs that reduce water demand from <br /> customers(residential or commercial)that are connected to a municipal water supply,and for <br /> those who replace specific appliances or devices with new devices that use substantially less <br /> water. The City will use these funds for the purpose of implementing a program to provide <br /> rebates to residents and businesses who purchase water efficient appliances. Adoption of the <br /> Consent Agenda approved RESOLUTION 2015-54 AUTHORIZING THE APPLICATION <br /> FOR THE MET COUNCIL WATER EFFICIENCY GRANT AND ADDITIONAL COUNTY <br /> FUNDS. <br /> Approve Reduction in the Letter of Credit for Meridian Land Company LLC,Fox <br /> Meadows Development <br /> Meridian Land Company has requested the City reduce their letter of credit for the Fox Meadows <br /> Development,and reduce their escrow amount held for site grading. Senior Engineering <br /> Technician Steve Duff had inspected the work and recommended approval. Adoption of the <br /> Consent Agenda approved the reduction of the letter of credit being held for the constructed <br /> improvements in the Fox Meadows Development be reduced to $154,900.00 of the original letter <br /> of credit$1,479,000.00, and reduce the amount held in escrow for the purpose of site grading to <br /> $7,000.00 original escrow amount held was$30,274.00. <br /> Public Hearing on the Issuance of Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds—Minnesota <br /> Autism Center Project <br /> At the October 5,2015,City Council meeting,the Council adopted a resolution calling for a <br /> public hearing on a proposal to issue Educational Facilities Revenue Bonds,in an amount of no <br /> more than$8.8 million,on behalf of the Autism Opportunities Foundation(the"Borrower"),a <br /> Minnesota nonprofit corporation doing business as the Minnesota Autism Center.The bond <br /> proceeds will be used to(i)refund the Borrower's existing taxable debt related to the acquisition <br /> of land and the purchase of an existing structure in 2014 acquired for the purpose of establishing <br /> a private school to service students grades 4-12 diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder <br /> ("ASD")and(ii)finance the acquisition,construction,and equipping of an approximately 48,000 <br /> square foot two-story school building,to be joined with an existing facility,which will serve <br /> primarily high school students with ASD. The project will be located at 2020 Silver Bell Road <br /> in Eagan,Minnesota. The Borrower has agreed to pay the City of Hugo an issuer's <br /> administrative fee of of 1%of the principal amount of the bonds in consideration for the City <br /> of Hugo acting as issuer. Although this will preclude the City from issuing additional bonds in <br /> 2015,the City has no further plans to borrow this year. Briggs and Morgan,the City's bond <br /> counsel,has reviewed this request and finds it to be a proper use of the City's bonding authority. <br /> The City is only serving as the bond issuer and will have no obligations for repaying investors. <br /> Staff recommends adoption of a Resolution Approving Issuance and Sale of Educational <br /> Facilities Revenue Bonds(Minnesota Autism Center Project) Series 2015. Mary Ippel of Briggs <br /> and Morgan was in attendance to answer any questions the public or City Council may have <br />